One life to live

You got in at Opéra station like me. I saw you on the gate but forgot you. Later I saw you again as you where just in front of me on in the open space. I saw your face, it has something special that I can’t explain. You saw me too. After that I only waited the stops you get off, to meet you because some people stood between us. You looked me several times, At this moment I was sure you wanted to know me too.

When you got off I followed you and called you with a “salut”. You recognized me and were afraid of me. I don’t know why but I tried to take your arm gently but you went away… I was so disappointed I gave up meeting you when I saw you getting away around the corner.

If you read me, maybe you regret not having accepted to talk with me. I want to say to you we have only one life to live.


  • Métro8à Michel Bizot.
  • Une rencontre faite le 10 décembre 2011.
  • Rédigé par un homme pour une femme.
  • Publié le samedi 10 décembre.