To the English gentleman with blue shoes and eyes to match

We shared a smile as the two lady shoppers who arrived squashed up against me on my perch, then again on the train when the drunk man at the door of the carriage tried very loudly to be understood by his friend on the other end of his telephone line.

You were very kind to help him when he decided it would be a good idea to stop the train to retrieve his phone, by blocking the doors with himself. I thought gallantry was dead! Wished I were a damsel in distress …

I was the woman in the red polka-dot scarf. We should talk …


  • Métro1à Tuileries.
  • Une rencontre faite le 10 juin 2012.
  • Rédigé par une femme pour un chevalier.
  • Publié le lundi 11 juin.